
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Hyper V Course (info Trek)

- Map Tool
- Bit Locker
- Starwind
- Resource Monitor

Power Shell
Get - Help
Get - ex command
Get - umm command

Xen - free virtual
Sys internal
Ops manager

RDS - Replacement Terminal Services

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

How to sysprep win2003

1. Open :\Support\Tools\ and extract setupcl.exe, setupmgr.exe, and sysprep.exe to C:\Sysprep. (N.B. C: is your system drive. If you installed Windows to another drive letter, use that drive letter rather than C:.)

2. Run setupmgr.exe from C:\Sysprep.

3. The Setup Manager wizard starts. Click Next…

4. Create new… Next…

5. Select “Sysprep setup”. Next…

6. Select the correct OS version… Next…

7. Select “No, do not fully automate the installation”… Next…

8. Enter Name and Organization, Time Zone, Product Key, and Workgroup or Domain. The other settings can remain defaulted. Note that you don’t want to specify the computer name since you will be creating multiple computers from the base image and you don’t want to specify the admin password, even encrypted. If the sysprep program can extract the password from the answer file, so can any hacker worth their salt. Click Next… through to the end.

9. Finish… Save to C:\Sysprep\sysprep.inf. OK…

10. Wait while Setup Manager finishes. Cancel… (Yes, odd way to exit a program that has completed successfully.)

11. Run sysprep.exe.

12. Click OK.

13. Ensure that “Don’t regenerate security identifiers” is UNCHECKED. You want to regenerate the SIDs when each new clone boots.

14. Click Reseal, OK to confirm that you want to regenerate SIDs, and wait for the system to shut down.